Saturday, 16 February 2013

Australia longboard scene, our shops

Yeah a bit sad  today to find out how many local shops around Australia are going through a really hard time.

The problem: American on line shops are trying to get in the Australian Market, the Aussie dollar is stronger and they know how much our scene is growing. Kids and Uni riders are their biggest target.
The Results to come:

*Last Newtons Nation World Cup already, the track is to expensive and lets face it not many shops or Aussie companies can afford to get involve or sponsor it as previous years.

*Less local races and Slide Jams: Aussie Shops always got involved supporting local events in different parts of Australia , now they have to survived reason why they can sponsor less and less events.

*Less chances of local grommets or riders to get sponsored by an Aussie company.... you buy from America: well Good luck trying to get sponsored by American companies  if the Aussie skate industry disappear.....think about it there is 350000000 people live only in the US and they have a lots and lots of super good riders over there....we are so far.... we will have travel to find good comps...

* In general the retail industry in Australia is suffering with on line shopping from OS.There is  Less jobs every year and the economy will get affected too.
 Grommets be prepared....

Buy Local Support Local.

Suddenly our scene will just become smaller... and we will depend only of American reatail Shops to get our supplies.

 It's this what we want?

Some of you don't remember or don't even know how much support these Aussie companies gave to our sport through their events, races, sponsors, economical support, venues, time, sweat and their mission of sharing the stoked. Remember who raised you.... Thanks for giving them your back and good luck to what will come.

Support your local shop, if you don't agree with their prices think about the difference and what implies to getting it from "Fat money grabber retail shops from abroad".... they don't care about our stoked but our ca$h.....


"" Shout out to all Aussie skaters. Stop buying online from overseas stores. It's totally killing the oz industry and culture just so you can save a few cents. You know who you are and you will be directly responsible for its consequences. Yeah no more local shops to buy from and you will be stuck waiting 4 - 6 weeks for everything. Now is the time to wake up and realize what you have done. Buy Aussie now or there will be no future local stores to buy from. Get it ! " , Kanufi

Australian grommets/ skaters, quit fucking blowing it and buy your shit locally, over seas retailers don't give 2 shits about your scene, they just want you dollar. Remember who raised you. support your Australian retailers before it's to late." Tony Graves

Shout out to all AUSTRALIAN DH riders, support Australian core skate shops!! the US online shops are killing our long time supporters, now listen you gromets, saving a few dollars buying from the US if Fing bullshit, the good guys at creative SK8, concrete lines, Hopkin, shredders and momentum have been creating this amazing scene you enjoy and you should support them the way they have us in the last decade. LONG LIVE THE LOCAL SKATE SHOP! not the fat money grabbers from abroad." Rob McWhinnie

and everyone wants to bitch why its the last newtons,.wake the fuk up and realise that these stores have kept themselves out of pocket to hold races,biuld ramps,sponsor events and generally lay the foundation for the sport to exist,..and you go buy overseas!,now our local shops are being stabbed in the back for all their hard work and spent some repect and earn back your street cred, local!!!" Benbro Hay


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